Dear Colleagues,
We’ve received considerable feedback from numerous authors highlighting that the abstract submission deadline for past Thin Films Conferences has traditionally been March 15. Given the familiarity and preference for this schedule, we’ve taken your appeals into account.
After thorough consideration, we’ve decided to revert to our longstanding practice. Thus, we are pleased to announce that the deadline for abstract submission for ThinFilms2024 has been adjusted back to March 15, 2024.
A list of the symposium topics is now available on our Symposium Topics page. You may submit your abstract through the 摘要提交 portal now.
Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in a special issue of Surface and Coating Technology (SCT). SCT offers free online downloads for all internet users for a year, which significantly maximises the availability of your article, especially to those who otherwise have no access to it.
As before, a poster competition will also be held, with attractive cash prizes to be awarded at the conference banquet. Looking forward to seeing you again in Singapore! Prof. Sam Zhang Chair, ThinFilms2024