BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20100712 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20100715 DTSTAMP:20231014T164610Z URL: SUMMARY:Thinfilms 2010 DESCRIPTION:For three exciting days (July 12-14\, 2010) in the "City of Ice Sculpture"\, Thin Films Society convened the ThinFilms2010 Conference (th e 5th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & C oatings)\, in conjunction with the maiden conference of COMPO2010 (the 1st International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites). Hosted b y the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)\, this is the first time that T hinFilms2010 ventured abroad away from its conventional base in Singapore. Under the diligent administration of our gracious hosts\, ThinFilms2010 s uccessfully catered to the conference needs of over 700 participants comin g from over 35 countries.\n\nThe ThinFilms2010 opening ceremony featured o pening remarks from the Conference co-chairs (Prof Sam Zhang\, TFS Preside nt\, and Prof He Xiaodong\, HIT) followed by the formal celebratory announ cement of the first year anniversary of the Thin Films Society\, where all regional TFS Vice Presidents were honored for their contributions in adva ncing the goals of the society. Following congratulatory remarks from the guests of honor (Prof Du Shanyi\, Academician and Honorary Director of CCM S\, and Prof Yi XiaoSu\, Member of Executive Committee of ICCM)\, the keyn ote speakers\, Profs Joe Greene (University of Illinois\, Urbana-Champagne ) and Stan Veprek (Technical University Munich\, Germany) delivered much-a waited talks on self-organized III-V Superlattices and the secrets behind Superhard Coatings\, respectively.\n\nThe Conference then launched 11 para llel tracks of oral presentations\, one for each of the 12 Symposia under ThinFilms2010. At the same time\, 495 posters were featured throughout the conference venue.\n\nOn the evening of the first day\, all the regional T FS Vice Presidents had their first Vice Presidential Meeting to discuss th e global strategy of advancing TFS\, both in broadening its reach\, as wel l as deeping its roots. All the TFS VPs then attended a special dinner giv en by our HIT hosts\, where liquour facilitated the sintering of all the r egional VPs\, who came from many different countries\, into a cohesive who le.\n\nOn the evening of the second day\, ThinFilms2010 hosted a banquet f or all participants. Our hospitable HIT hosts prepared an entire two-hour program of performing arts\, ranging from Chinese opera to Chinese Wu-Shu\ , drawing entirely from the student body of HIT. Our hosts intended this t o be an evening not to be easily forgotten\, and they succeeded. The eveni ng also featured the prominent display of the top 10 Finalists in the Thin Films2010 Poster Competition\, where banquet attendees can vote for the to p 3. All Finalists received certificates of award\, while the top 3 receiv ed additional cash prizes. This year\, the top 3 prizes went to entries fr om Malaysia\, China\, and South Korea.\n\nThroughout the 3 days\, the wond erful and exciting city of Harbin greeted us with fine weather\, exotic fo od\, and warm and gracious people. Before the conference began\, many atte ndees can be seen roaming Zhong Yang Jie or climbing Long Ta\, or heading out to Tai Yang Dao\, and many no doubt will do the same after the confere nce. With wonderful beer and unique North-Eastern sausages\, Harbin is a w onderfully befitting locale for ThinFilms2010 as its first voyage overseas . Photos from the Conference are available at FaceBook: http://www.faceboo CATEGORIES:Conference LOCATION:Harbin Institute of Technology\, Harbin Institute of Technology\, Harbin\, China GEO:45.747044;126.633431 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Harbin Institute of Technol ogy\, Harbin\, China;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Harbin Institute of Techno logy:geo:45.747044,126.633431 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR