BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160713 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160716 DTSTAMP:20231114T013408Z URL: SUMMARY:Thinfilms 2016 DESCRIPTION:The International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films &\; Surface Coatings is a biennial event of knowledge exchange an d interactive platform for researchers and engineers from industry\, resea rch laboratories and academia. ThinFilms2016 is the 8th of this series.\nF ollowing the success of ThinFilms2002\, ThinFilms2004\, ThinFilms2006\, Th inFilms2008\, ThinFilms2010\, Thinfilms2012 and Thinfilms2014\, ThinFilms2 016 will again bring together state-of-the-art developments on all aspect s related to the processing\, characterization and applications of thin fi lms and surface coatings. Registration will begin on Tuesday afternoon\, 1 2 July 2016 and technical presentations will take place from 13-15 July 2 016.\nSelected papers will be published in special issues of Surface and C oatings Technology ( and Nanoscience and  Nanotechnology Letters.\n2016新加坡国际薄膜大会将于7月12至 15日在新加坡河畔的雅庭假日酒店隆重召开。届时,600-80 0位来自世界各地的学者、专家和业界精英将齐聚一堂, 一同探讨薄膜工艺、表征和应用相关的尖端课题。\n     分会场中文详情,请点击这里\n大会注册信息,请点这 里 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: THINFILMS2016_BANNER.png CATEGORIES:Conference LOCATION:Holiday Inn Atrium\, Holiday Inn Atrium\, Singapore\, Singapore\, 169075\, Singapore GEO:1.289008;103.834201 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Holiday Inn Atrium\, Singap ore\, Singapore\, 169075\, Singapore;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Holiday In n Atrium:geo:1.289008,103.834201 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR