The delegates from over 30 countries/regions convened at the beautiful Radisson Blu Hotel Chongqing, China from July 15-18, 2014 to share and show the latest breakthroughs in thin films science and technology at ThinFilms2014: the 7th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings. This event celebrated the 12th year of successful launching of this biennial conference series, and the 3rd time under the auspices of the Thin Films Society. The Conference, comprising 12 Symposia from biological coatings to smart materials and films, covered a total of around 550 papers in either Oral or Poster form.
Following the keynote lectures on July 16, the individual symposia convened in parallel breakout sessions. On July 17, the individual symposia continued convening in parallel breakout sessions with designated poster presentations after the oral sessions. In the evening of July 17, a banquet was held for all the delegates at the Radisson Blu Hotel, during which the attendees voted for their favorite posters among the twenty finalists of the popular poster competition. The past ThinFilms conferences used to have up to 6 poster awards. In order to encourage the conference attendees to more actively participate in the poster competition and promote deeper awareness of technological advances of thin films & surface coatings, ThinFilms2014 increased number of poster awards to 10. The top poster prize this year was won again by the team from the Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan.
In the Conference, many interaction sessions, old friendships were renewed and new ones formed, building the basis for the next international event, which the Thin Films Society will begin actively planning almost as soon as the curtain is drawn. More photos of the conference are at the society’s facebook: